Friday, September 24, 2010

God is Always There

God is always there for us, when we feel alone he is there he is holding you up, saying child you are not alone. i am here. He embraces you and is a father to you, he hurts to see you hurt, loves to see you laugh and share his word. He will lift you up when no on else is there, he will lift you up everytime you fall, in many differnt ways, wether it be a friend, or a loved one, or even someone who doesnt know you, show a deep gratitude for the simplest things. God works in mysterious ways. If you pray for patience he will give you the opertunity to be patience. He doesnt straight out give it to you. He does it in a way that you can understand, to learn from it and keep what he has tought you and use it in other situations. That is also what i love most about God he is always teaching you, always guiding u or will lead you to some one who can explain what you don't understand. He never stops using you, any oppertunity that he sees he can use you he will. Its wonderful when you can share the word of God, some times it seems that it just doesnt get through to the person your trying to help, but what you've done is open up a door to where God can work on them and lead them to the cross. He is a truly awesome God!! He will make a way where there is no way! I praise Him for ALL that he does!!!!!! Thank you Lord :) God Bless Everyone

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